The JEE main online Mock test 2021 is the key to success. If you are a JEE, then the main applicant here is very important to you. Have you practiced enough for the JEE main exam 2021? You have always realized that more than 1,400,000 students apply for this exam. Importantly, the time before the exam will not only be used to increase the speed of preparation in the right way, but it will also increase certainty and help you gain an advantage.
Main functions of JEE Main Online Mock test
- Understand the exam pattern: - JEE main online mock exam enables you to understand the latest genuine JEE Main exam pattern 2021.
- Improve speed and accuracy: - JEE main simulation test can improve your speed and accuracy, both of which are the key to achieving high scores. Through each test, you know your characteristics and weaknesses.
- Troubleshooting doubt: -Through the video recording solution, we will solve your doubts as soon as possible for each of our students.
- Effect analysis: - Each test will be analyzed by experts. If the student does not reach the necessary level, the student and guardian will be notified well.
- Customizable mock tests: - These tests are available 24 x 7. These tests will be generated by students through the chapter name (no). Question and question level.
- Quality questions: - Our mock test papers are created by qualified test experts based on the current test mode. They cover the entire JEE Main syllabus 2021.
Sarthaks eConnect provides 3 types of Online Mock tests
Full syllabus Mock test
- This Mock test is finished inside 3 hours of time.
- Each full test covers the entire JEE Main exam syllabus 2021, including an overall 75 questions.
- 1 negative mark for each off-base attempt MCQ, yet no negative checking is for numeric sort.
- Full syllabus tests are made by trained professionals who are experts in giving training JEE Main.
Chapter and Subject Mock test
- Each part test will cover an overall 25 Questions
- Four marks will be allowed for each correct answer and one mark will be deducted for each wrong shows up in MCQ. No negative marking for the numeric question.
- This Mock test be finished inside 1 hour.
- Each Subjects has least 100 practice tests.